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Website is under Construction ...

This website is under construction and will be functional in the near future.

This website will eventually provide a number of capabilities that are intended to focus on our family tree, history, past events, and maybe even a calender to announce events in the future including weddings, births, reunions, and story telling. For now, the following capabilities are already available for your enjoyment.


If you would like to look at our family tree, please send me an email requesting an invite to the "Smith Web Site".  I will trigger this site to issue an invitation to you by email.  You will have a chance to create a login and if you like, provide some of your own information about you or your family to enhance the current tree.  OR, If you want me to add or change this tree in any way you feel is needed, simply email your instructions and attach any pictures, or documents that you want to include in that email.

This tree actually is centered on my parents Don and Blanche Stermer and reflects all their known siblings up and down the tree including both the Stermer (father's) side and the Smith (mother's) side.  The tree goes back to the 1100's AD on an England branch.   I am off and on again adding and maintaining it at my whelm.  I currently have not performed a review of the tree content to cross-check its accuracy.  Any help you give me will improve it in that reguard.

If you wish to create your own tree, you can do so.  Let me know by email and I will send to you some instructions and show you how to reuse the tree I already have.


Please visit website to browse for Stermer Cloud files like family pictures, family tree, music, videos, recipes, vacations, etc.  To obtain login credentials, send me a request by email and I will send you a new username and password. PLEASE be patient because this file sharing website can be SLOW at times and has some glitchy behaviors that are at times frustrating. Overall, it usually works. Let Me Know... by email if you are having problems. Hopefully, I can get it fixed.


Date: 2022/12/15
Author: Bill Stermer
cell: 607-765-1361